Why Should You Get a Career Mentor?

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Why Should You Get a Career Mentor?

In some careers, one of the most valuable things you can do is work with a career mentor. A career mentor is someone who's been in your chosen field for awhile and can help you maneuver through new situations while you gain experience. Sometimes a company will appoint someone to be a mentor to a new employee or sometimes a new employee will simply build a rapport with a veteran employee and the mentor acts in an informal capacity.

There are several reasons why having a career mentor is helpful for new employees:

1. Mentors can introduce you to other co-workers, this is especially valuable if you are shy about talking to new people

2. Mentors can help you make sure you are doing everything the right way and can help stop you from making little mistakes

3. Mentors give you a point person that you can form a bond with and someone that you can go to whenever you have questions, suggestions, or advice.



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