Making a Deal Tips

Read these 11 Making a Deal Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Career tips and hundreds of other topics.

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How should I bring up salary in an interview?

When To Discuss Salary In An Interview

Avoid bringing up salary in a job interview. It's best to wait until you have been offered the job to start talking about money.

If an interviewer brings up money too early, attempt to direct the conversation back to the job duties and your qualifications. The more you show them how good you are for the position, the better your chances for being hired for more money.

Should a job offer be put in writing?

Get It In Writing

Always make sure you get a job offer in writing. The written offer should include salary, job title, and benefits. Read over it carefully and make sure it matches the verbal offer. Remember, it isn't official until you sign. Don't quit your current job until you have your official written job offer from your new employer.

How do I negotiate for a raise?

Negotiating For a Raise

Prepare yourself to negotiate for your next raise by considering the following questions:

- How long have you been with the company?
- What is your function within the office?
- How well does the office get along when you are gone?
- What is your education level?
- Have any of your colleagues received a raise recently?
- What is your relationship with your boss? Does he/she seem to respect you?
- Have you met or exceeded objectives on your recent evaluations?
- Have you done anything lately that has made more money for the company?

If your boss declines to give you a raise at this time, ask what you can do to earn a raise and how long you should wait before scheduling another appointment to talk about your compensation.

How do I negotiate salary when a job is offered?

Negotiating For A Bigger Salary Offer

Research the average salary of a person with your qualifications in the position you are applying for. This will help you recognize a good job offer or negotiate for a better one.

Web sites like and let you search for salary ranges for certain jobs. Be sure to consider how much experience and education you bring to the job.

Most employers expect you to negotiate your salary. If you can cite your research, you'll keep the conversation professional and make it easier for you and your new employer.

How quickly should I accept a job offer?

Don't Commit Too Quickly

If you have applied to many companies and have been made an appealing offer, take a few days to think about it. Employers expect this, so you will not be offending anyone or lessening your chances of success as long as you assure them of your interest in the job.

By giving yourself up to a week to consider a job offer, you will be able to field any other offers that come in during that time. This will allow you to make a more informed decision and consider all of your options.

How should I resign from my job?

How to Resign From a Job

Wait until you have your new job offer in writing before you resign from your old job. Give your employer a written notice two weeks before you want to leave. Ask if there is anything you can do to help ease the transition for them during that time.

The goal is to leave on amiable terms so that your old employer will be a good reference for you in the future. Avoid mentioning anything negative in your exit letter.

What do I do if I am offered more than one job?

Choosing Between Job Offers

If you receive more than one appealing job offers, compare the benefits of each position before making a decision.

Along with salary, you'll want to compare office environments, growth opportunities, benefits packages, location and commute. Be honest about your situation with each employer and ask for a few days to think things over.

Don't try to pit the employers against each other. This could backfire, leaving you with no job offers at all.

What should I consider before accepting a job offer?

Things To Consider Before Accepting A Job Offer

Take some time to consider your job offer before you accept. Review the following items to make sure that the job will be a right fit for you.

- Do you find the salary acceptable? Is it possible you may want to negotiate for more?

- What kind of benefits do they offer? Would you prefer a different kind of health insurance or a 401K plan?

- Does the office atmosphere match your working style?

- Is the location of the office convenient to you?

- Will you have room for promotion in this position?

- Will this position help you reach your overall career goals?

How do I negotiate for time off?

Negotiating Time Off

Do some preparation before you ask for time off. Know your employer's particular policies on the subject. Look into how many sick days or vacation days you have accrued. Also find out if you are allowed time off to care for a sick relative.

In a larger company, someone in Human Resources should be able to help you. If you work for a smaller company, you can talk to the boss directly or ask the person who handles the payroll.

When you approach your boss about your proposed time off, have a plan ready for how your work will be covered while you are gone. If you are going to be on vacation, be willing to schedule around an important business deadline.


How to Know If You're Getting a Fair Salary

When you try to decide if a new job offer seems fair or if your existing job is paying you what you deserve, it can be tough to figure out what a fair salary for a specific job should be. Fair salaries depend upon the cost of living in your local area, required skills, the size of the employer, and the scarcity of local talent.

The right answer may be rather subjective. For example, your definition of a fair salary may be one that provides you with a large enough income for a comfortable lifestyle and the opportunity to save some money. On the other hand, you can certainly find plenty of objective salary surveys for salaries paid to similar professionals in your local area.

In the United States, the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides salary statistics by occupation. If you can relocate, you can search for national averages. But you can also find information for regions of the country, states, and large cities. Some recruiting companies and job boards also publish competitive salary surveys from time to time.

You might get good answers by contacting local recruiters who specialize in placing people in your occupation. A successful employment recruiter is likely to have her finger on the pulse of your area, industry, and specific job.

However, even two very similar jobs might offer different salaries. For example, some computer programming jobs might require a couple different skills, while others may require dozens. The only real way to figure out a fair salary might be to put yourself on the market and compare competitive offers from different companies.

How do I negotiate for better healthcare at work?

Healthcare Negotiation At Work

Healthcare is a growing concern among businesses and employees. If your company's healthcare package is unacceptable, bring this to the attention of your employer in a respectful way. Suggest that representatives from several insurance companies meet to present their packages so that your employer can choose something affordable that will work for everyone.

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