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Career Tip Book
Career Planning
Includ Keywords in Your Job Search
Aptitude Testing
Know Yourself
Interest Inventories
Enthusiastic Employees
Finding the Right Atmosphere
Remain Objective When Searching
Want a Change?
Career Exploration
Career Research Sources
How to Ask For That Raise at Work
How to Ask for a Promotion at Work
Be a Team Player
How to be a Good Boss
How to Network Efficiently
How to be an Effective Manager
Tips for Changing Carers
How to Avoid Burnout at Work
How To Deal With Annoying and Difficult Coworkers
Cover Letter Tips
Cover Letter - Non-paid Experience
Send Your Cover Letter to the Right Person
Good Cover Letter Example
Tailored Cover Letters
Bad Cover Letter Example
Career Change Cover Letter
Cover Letters on Job Boards
Cover Letter Conclusion
Cover Letters to Companies
Be Specific
Mind the Details
Listing Your Income
Cover Letter Format
Cover Letter Content
Follow-up Etiquette
Send a Thank You Note
Action-oriented Follow-up
Format Your Thank You Letter
Thank You Cards
The Art of the Follow-Up Phone Call
When to Place the Follow-Up Call
Mail Time
What to Include in a Follow-up Letter
Assertive Marketing
Know Your Source
General Employment and Career Advice
Finding A New Job is a Full-Time Job
Soul Search Before Job Search
Hot Job Industries
Head 'em Up, Move 'em Out
Federal Resources
Still the One
Allied Health Shortages
Changes in the Automotive Industry
Finding a Good Clerical Job
The Financial Job Market
Hotel & Hospitality Jobs - What's Required?
Human Resources Jobs
Online Job Posting
The Potential of Restaurant Jobs
The Retail Job Market
Turn Your Everyday "Sales" Into a Career
Technically Speaking
The Tech Job Outlook
How to Get an Internship
When to Take an Internship Over a Paid Position
How to Make the Most of an Internship
What Can You Expect to Gain From an Internship?
How to be Sure You're Being Treated Fairly During Your Unpaid Internship
Interview Tips
A Company Focused Interview
How to Pick the Right People as Job References
Prep for the Top 10 Interview Questions
Common mistakes people make in job interviews!
Interview Dress for Success
The Situational Interview
A Little Research Goes a Long Way
Polite and Professional
Five Seconds and Counting
Prepare a Few Intelligent Questions
The Successful Close
Unexpected Interview Questions
Job Search Basics
Job Bank and Employment Listing Options
Finding the Job
Mid-course Corrections
Government Employment Opportunities
Re-entering the Workforce?
It's Who You Know
Expanding Your Network
Job Trends by Location
Searching for Jobs in New York
The World at Your Feet
California Job Search
State Job Comparisons
California Job Trends
New York Job Trends
The Basics
Make a Plan
Local Job Search
Act Locally
Attend a Job Fair
Houston, We Have NO Problem
The Latin Beat
Keep Warm, Work in Florida
Building Florida
A West Side Story
The South Is Rising Again
Making a Deal
Things To Consider Before Accepting A Job Offer
When To Discuss Salary In An Interview
Negotiating For A Bigger Salary Offer
How to Resign From a Job
Negotiating Time Off
Choosing Between Job Offers
Healthcare Negotiation At Work
Negotiating For a Raise
Get It In Writing
Don't Commit Too Quickly
How to Know If You're Getting a Fair Salary
Choosing the Right Mentor for You
What Should You Do When a Potential Mentor Turns You Down?
What Does a Mentor Do?
Find Your Mentor
How to Ask Someone to be Your Mentor
Why Should You Get a Career Mentor?
Using Multiple Recruiting Firms
Search Firms and Employment Agencies
Contingency vs. Retained
How Recruiters Are Paid
Meeting Your Retained Search Consultant
How to Find a Good Recruiting Firm
Expect to Answer Questions
Intuitive Recruiters
Ask Permission
Who is A Reference?
Maintain Relationships with Your Former Supervisors
Resume Tips
Are Resumes Necessary?
Outline Your Experience
Size Matters
The Three Types of Resumes
Have Your Resume "Act Out"
Like a Tailored Suit
Good Functional Resume
To Write, or Not to Write, That is the Question
What Are Transferable Skills and How Do I Sell Them?
Resume Objectives
Resume Do's and Don't's - In Brief
Bad Resume Example
Career Newsletter Archive
Good Functional Resume
Career Research Sources
Cover Letters on Job Boards
State Job Comparisons
California Job Search
Includ Keywords in Your Job Search
Enthusiastic Employees
Expanding Your Network
Online Job Posting
Have Your Resume "Act Out"
Finding the Job
The Retail Job Market
The Financial Job Market
Head 'em Up, Move 'em Out
A West Side Story
Building Florida
Allied Health Shortages
Finding a Good Clerical Job
Changes in the Automotive Industry
Federal Resources
Keep Warm, Work in Florida
Houston, We Have NO Problem
Still the One
The Latin Beat
The South Is Rising Again
Want a Change?
Human Resources Jobs
Hotel & Hospitality Jobs - What's Required?
The Potential of Restaurant Jobs
The Tech Job Outlook
Mid-course Corrections
Job Bank and Employment Listing Options
Government Employment Opportunities
Turn Your Everyday "Sales" Into a Career
Cover Letters to Companies
Be Specific
Listing Your Income
Mind the Details
Good Cover Letter Example
Searching for Jobs in New York
How Recruiters Are Paid
Prep for the Top 10 Interview Questions
Get It In Writing
Negotiating For a Raise
Healthcare Negotiation At Work
Choosing Between Job Offers
Negotiating Time Off
How to Resign From a Job
Negotiating For A Bigger Salary Offer
When To Discuss Salary In An Interview
Things To Consider Before Accepting A Job Offer
Don't Commit Too Quickly
Attend a Job Fair
Make a Plan
The Basics
New York Job Trends
The World at Your Feet
Re-entering the Workforce?
Unexpected Interview Questions
The Successful Close
Prepare a Few Intelligent Questions
Five Seconds and Counting
Polite and Professional
A Little Research Goes a Long Way
Cover Letter Content
Cover Letter Format
The Situational Interview
Interview Dress for Success
Bad Resume Example
Resume Do's and Don't's - In Brief
Resume Objectives
What Are Transferable Skills and How Do I Sell Them?
To Write, or Not to Write, That is the Question
Like a Tailored Suit
The Three Types of Resumes
Size Matters
Outline Your Experience
Are Resumes Necessary?
Technically Speaking
Assertive Marketing
What to Include in a Follow-up Letter
Mail Time
A Company Focused Interview
When to Place the Follow-Up Call
The Art of the Follow-Up Phone Call
Format Your Thank You Letter
Action-oriented Follow-up
Send a Thank You Note
Career Change Cover Letter
Bad Cover Letter Example
Tailored Cover Letters
Send Your Cover Letter to the Right Person
Cover Letter - Non-paid Experience
Intuitive Recruiters
Meeting Your Retained Search Consultant
How to Find a Good Recruiting Firm
Search Firms and Employment Agencies
Using Multiple Recruiting Firms
Finding A New Job is a Full-Time Job
Soul Search Before Job Search
Ask Permission
Maintain Relationships with Your Former Supervisors
Aptitude Testing
Finding the Right Atmosphere
Interest Inventories
Know Yourself
Remain Objective When Searching
It's Who You Know
Good Functional Resume
Career Research Sources
Cover Letters on Job Boards
State Job Comparisons
California Job Search
Includ Keywords in Your Job Search
Enthusiastic Employees
Expanding Your Network
Online Job Posting
Have Your Resume "Act Out"
Finding the Job
The Retail Job Market
The Financial Job Market
Head 'em Up, Move 'em Out
A West Side Story
Building Florida
Allied Health Shortages
Finding a Good Clerical Job
Changes in the Automotive Industry
Federal Resources
Keep Warm, Work in Florida
Houston, We Have NO Problem
Still the One
The Latin Beat
The South Is Rising Again
Want a Change?
Human Resources Jobs
Hotel & Hospitality Jobs - What's Required?
The Tech Job Outlook
Mid-course Corrections
Job Bank and Employment Listing Options
Government Employment Opportunities
Keep in Touch with Your Network
Write Thank-You’s, Even for a Conversation
What to Leave Out of Your Résumé
The Interview Top Five
Job Skills Versus People Skills
Asking for a Raise or Promotion
How to Be an Expert at Small Talk
Giving Business Gifts
Traveling with Your Boss
Turn Your Everyday "Sales" Into a Career
Cover Letters to Companies
Be Specific
Listing Your Income
Visually Proof It!
Good Cover Letter Example
Searching for Jobs in New York
How Recruiters Are Paid
What Motivates You?
The Reason for Your Questions
Thank You Letters After the Interview
Prep for the Top 10 Interview Questions
part 5: Tone
Part 4: cover letters
part 3: cover letters
part 3: cover letters
p2: cover letters
p1: Generic Cover Letters
WHAT Company?
No Snoozer Resumes!
Resume Wording
Resume Dates
Help Your References & Help Yourself
More Limp Phrases
Definition is Key!
Nix this phrase!
Ask This Question!
Ask This Question!
Resume Updating
Cover Letters
More Typical Interview Questions
2 Typical Interview Questions
How to Showcase Yourself to Your Best Advantage

Help Your References & Help Yourself
MULTIPLE INTERVIEWS (Part 2 of 2 parts)
MULTIPLE INTERVIEWS (Part 1 of 2 parts)
When You`re Overqualified - Part 2
When You`re Overqualified - Part 1
Career Frequently Asked Questions
What´s the difference between contingency and retained?
What´s the difference between contingency and retained?
How many recruiters should I use?
How many recruiters should I use?
How do I tell a GOOD recruiter from a BAD one?
How do I tell a GOOD recruiter from a BAD one?
How do I tell a GOOD recruiter from a BAD one?
What do I ask a recruiter?
Should I say what I´m earning?
What are references for?
What do I do about references?
What do I do about references?
Who do I ask to be a reference?
How important is my meeting with the retained search consultant?
Why am I unhappy in my current job?
Why am I unhappy in my current job?
What should my cover letter say?
Is it easy to find a new job?
What´s the difference between contingency and retained search?
What´s the difference between contingency and retained search?
What´s the difference between contingency and retained search?
What should my cover letter say?
hwat question?
What´s the difference between an employment agency and a search firm?
What´s the difference between contingency and retained recruiters?
How do search firms get paid?
What should I expect from a good recruiter?
How does my recruiter know so much about me?
How can I find a good recruiting firm?
How should I start my job search?
What should I do before I start my job search?
How much time will it take to find a new job?
How can I prepare for my interview?
What should my cover letter say?
What should I avoid in my cover letter?
How do I list my income for a search firm?
How should I check my cover letter?
How can I get good references?
In an interview, how do you answer the question: 'why do you want to leave your current company and join this company?'
How can I get ideas for my cover letter?
What should I put in my cover letter if I have no relevant experience?
How should I research careers?
How can I find a work atmosphere that I will like?
Should I use the advanced search feature with an online job bank?
What does the Human Resources department do?
Should I look for a job online?
What skills do I need to have to work in retail?
Why should I look into a career in sales?
How do I answer questions about my weaknesses?
Is the career I want a good choice?
What employment opporunities are available?
How do I find out about the careers I am interested in?
Isn't money the most important determinant when choosing a career?
Is it necessary that I like what I do for a living?
How do I know what career I might enjoy?
What kind of work will I enjoy?
Should my type of personality effect my career choice.
If I can't make a career decision, what do I do?
What does a cover letter look like?
What should the cover letter tell the employer?
Can I include experiences in my cover letter that are not on my resume?
Is it okay to address a cover letter "Dear Sir or Madam?”
What does a good cover letter look like?
Why do cover letters need to be tailored to each employer?
What does a bad cover letter look like?
As a mother returning to the workforce, should I include a cover letter?
Do I need a cover letter if I'm only looking for entry-level work?
How do I conclude my cover letter?
Should I follow up after my interview?
What is a "follow-up" in the career search arena?
What does a follow-up letter look like?
Should my post-interview follow-up always be in letter form?
What should I say on the follow-up telephone call?
When should I make that follow-up phone call?
When should I send a follow-up letter?
What should the follow-up letter say?
How many times should I to call the employer back?
How do I know who to send the follow-up letter to?
What do I need to do to land an automotive job?
Where can I find clerical jobs
What types of finance jobs are available?
What type of education is required for the Hotel & Hospitality industry?
What defines Human Resources jobs?
Why would an employer post a job online?
Why would I want to work in a restaurant?
Why would I want to work retail?
Isn't "sales" just glorified lying?
What is a tech job?
Should I pursue a career in tech support?
Why should I send a resume?
What should a resume look like?
Is it okay for a resume to excede one page?
Is there more than one style of resume?
What are resume "action words?"
Why can't I just take my disk to a printer and get a couple hundred copies all at once?
Should I have a professional do my resume?
What are transferable skills?
Should I include an objective on my resume?
What should I include on my resume, and what should I leave off?
What would make my resume bad?
Can you show me an example of a good functional resume?
Should I wear a formal suit to my interview?
How do I prepare for a situational interview?
What type of research should I do on the company I'm interviewing with?
How early should I arrive for my interview?
How do I make a good first impression?
Should I ask the interviewer questions?
What should I say in concluding the interview?
Why do interviewers ask those strange questions?
I know my strengths, but how do I answer questions about my weaknesses?
Where can I find employment listings?
Where are all these jobs that I hear about?
If I'm not satisfied with my current job, what can I do?
How can I find government jobs?
What do I do if I haven't worked for a while?
What is job shadowing?
Who is in my network?
How can I expand my network?
How can I locate jobs in New York?
How can I find a job in another state?
How can I find jobs in California?
How can I compare employment markets in different states?
What are the best job areas in California?
What are the fastest job growth areas in New York?
Are there different ways of finding work in different areas of the country?
Should I just choose whatever career appeals to me?
What are my local job search resources?
Are there other local resources besides the want ads?
What about job fairs?
Where are jobs in Travel and Tourism located?
Are there job opportunities in Florida for someone who doesn't work in Travel and Tourism?
Isn't New York City the only part of New York where a person with a financial background can find work?
What profession is most in need of workers today?
What area of Texas has a good job market?
What career advantage is there to learning Spanish?
Are there still jobs in the cattle industry?
Why are so many people relocating south?
How do I change careers if I've been in this field for years?
What career information resources are available through the federal government?
Aren't all the IT jobs moving overseas?
What should I consider before accepting a job offer?
How should I bring up salary in an interview?
How do I negotiate salary when a job is offered?
How should I resign from my job?
How do I negotiate for time off?
What do I do if I am offered more than one job?
How do I negotiate for better healthcare at work?
How do I negotiate for a raise?
How quickly should I accept a job offer?
Should a job offer be put in writing?

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Joe Wallace